Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Youtube Channel; Goes together like a horse and carriage.

(click link to visit my channel)
I've recently overhauled my Youtube channel and am now using it as a complimentary site to this Blog.  In the future I'll be adding video blog entries to supplement some of the written material contained in this format.

I go through the Youtube video content and select videos I feel have value in their presentation of some aspect of the martial arts.  Some playlists feature the highest quality visual examples of the style they represent.  Some playlists are for entertainment purposes only.  As I develop and refine my Youtube channel it will provide a reference resource for those who are just beginning to explore their interest in the Martial Arts.  One of the greatest challenges facing a novice to the martial arts during their search to find a school and style in which to train.  Such a novice, or even relatively new student, to the Martial Arts cannot accurately discern the difference between a high quality display of martial arts and a flashy show (with no underlying quality) designed to impress the uninitiated and attract customers.

The process of researching, questioning, and exploring the Martial Arts can be overwhelming and very time consuming for some one new to the field without any guidance.  Since, in pursuit of my own interests and education, I spend hundreds of man hours researching and exploring all types of Martial Arts I feel it would be a valuable service to share the fruits of my labor to be used by those who may need it.

The material I select is based on my experience and my own personal opinions.  However, one should consider that my experience and opinions are based on a lifetime of dedicated exploration of the Martial Arts supported by training and experience in various styles.  Using my material as a starting point is better than trying to muck through it all alone.

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